Hilton Landscape Supply

It’s Bare Root Season. Simple Steps on Planting Bare Root Trees

March 15, 2018

Later winter and early spring are the ideal times for Oregonians to plant bare root trees. Planting them now gives them time to acclimate to your garden or lawn without the stress of very cold or very hot weather. March is a great time to plant bare root fruit trees, berries, and ornamental trees and… Read More

Using Compost as a Soil Additive to Improve Your Garden

February 28, 2018

Compost is an excellent and inexpensive source of nutrition for any garden. Some people think mulch and compost are interchangeable, but the latter is always organic material that breaks down through the action of aerobic and anaerobic bacteria. Mulch can be made of materials as varied as newspaper, fruits and vegetable peels, coffee and even… Read More

It’s Time to Start Your Spring Planting

February 15, 2018

Even though it may be a little chilly outside still, spring is still in the offing. The ground is thawing out, the temperatures are warming up, and the sun is lingering a bit longer each day. It’s is time to think of spring planting. Spring planting includes the plants that you start both indoors and… Read More